Window 11 update Installation & download

Microsoft announces that it has optimized the window s update manager. As a result, the company reduced by 31% the time the machine was unusable when installing the October update, compared to the April update. In addition, once the October update is installed, the size of updates should be significantly reduced, up to 40% according to Microsoft. The firm also announces it has put a little intelligence in its system update. Now, Windows Update will be able to wake up a machine plugged in overnight to install updates (with the auto sound volume set to zero). According to Microsoft, the new system will also be able to intelligently determine if the machine will not be used for a long time or not and therefore choose the best times to install updates. After several months of testing in the Windows Insider program, the new Windows 11 update is now ready for deployment. As usual, Microsoft will proceed to a very progressive deployment of machines worldwide. The firm still offers a solution to cut the queue and install the update now.

Windows 11 update


Officially, Microsoft does not allow you to direct download Windows 12 iso installation disk image from a web browser. Instead, the user is prompted to download a dedicated tool that then downloads the Windows ISO for the purpose of creating installation media. However, this only happen from a web browser installed on a Windows PC. When you visit its site, Microsoft knows that you do it from a Windows computer, and therefore offers its support creation utility. There is, however, a way around this system to directly download the installation disk image of your operating system.

The Windows editor is again offering its now famous October update for download on its website. This is the new (and last?) Stage of a long journey for Microsoft that was forced to remove its patch pack last week following the discovery of serious bugs. For example, users have lost their personal files after installing the update. The easiest way to get the update is to wait for Microsoft to offer it in Windows Update. The latter can even warn you when the installation is ready. If you are impatient, then just start a search (Windows key) with the keywords: “Check for updates”. This function will tell Windows Update that you want to receive the update at the earliest. Unless there is a compatibility issue, the download and installation of the update should be started in the process. If Windows Update does not offer an update, but you still want to force the update. So you have to download and launch the Windows 11 update tool offered by Microsoft on its site. Download the update tool

How To install windows 11

A feature-rich update

The October updates several new features in Windows 11. It includes a better synchronization with Android, the Swift key virtual keyboard, a dark theme for the file explorer or a new version of copy and paste. Do not hesitate to consult our article dedicated to the novelties brought by this version.

The file disappearing bug is identified

Everything is back in order today. The software giant is even reassuring by explaining that the number of users who lost data does not exceed 0.0001% of the 700 million people using the operating system on a daily basis. ” We have investigated and taken into account all reports of data loss, identified and repaired all known issues of the update and conducted our own validation checks ,” reassures the publisher through John Cable’s voice. One of the leaders of the Windows team. Microsoft has also communicated more specifically on this bug and gives explanations. This would be a malfunction of Know Folder Redirection (KFR) or redirection of known files, which allows for example to redirect the Documents folder on a secondary disk while it is on the same disk as Windows in the standard case. In previous versions of Windows 11, some users had complained of finding duplicate but empty folders without any data.  The October update had to fix this, but the code written by the Microsoft teams was noisy and caused the removal of documents, instead of a simple redirect. Affected users are invited to contact the publisher’s support quickly.

windows 11

A stronger verification process for Windows 11 Insider

To prevent this from happening again, Microsoft announces that the feedback and verification tools offered through Windows Insider will be strengthened. “We’ve added a possibility for users to also provide an indication of impact and severity when recording comments, “says John Cable.” We hope this will allow us to better monitor the most impacting issues, even when the volume of feedback is low.” The October update is available for the moment for direct download on the site of the publisher: massive upload on Windows Update is expected in the coming days, the time for Microsoft to check that everything works this time as planned.

Windows Crisis management

Three days after the launch of the update, the Microsoft forum is crumbling under the testimony of disgruntled users. To stop the bleeding, the publisher suspended the update in the day of Saturday, October 6 and published a note to explain its decision: “We have suspended the deployment of the update of Windows 11 October 2018 for all users while we investigate isolated reports from users who have seen some of their files disappear after the update.”

Microsoft advises anyone who manually downloaded the October 2018 update not to install it and wait for the support to be available again. The giant of Redmond may well minimize the facts by referring to isolated users; this event may seriously tarnish his image. It is difficult to understand how a major update can include such bugs after several beta versions supposed to avoid such problems. Especially since the company had already delayed the deployment of the previous update last April because of a compatibility problem resulting in the blocking of the operating system.The Microsoft Next Plan to Launch Windows 12 also in 2020.

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